Saturday, July 31, 2010

Directions, Driving and Math

I have realised something over time: If you don't understand directions, can't drive very well and do not know math, you career is probably going to suck big time, especially if you have one similar to mine. It starts with math of course. You know (or in all likelihood you don't) how in class everyone would have figured out that problem on the board, but you were still trying to get there - and they would just move on to the next sum? For a while you'd struggle; leave that sum, move onto the next one, but you were already too late, so you've fucked up this one as well. Eventually you just give up and pretend to scrawl, looking out of the window, making shapes with clouds.
Driving. Well, its a big one. Not knowing how to drive can really get in you in trouble. You're always depending on someone else for a ride, and during an emergency you are useless because even if you have a car, you wouldn't know how to use it.
And directions. You don't get left, right, baju, parallel, upar, niche - nothing. I personally, only know roads because of landmarks. Very Hansel and Gretel. If someone took away the breadcrumbs, I'd totally end up at the witch's house.
And yeah, having a boyfriend. That's another thing you should have. Good, bad, ugly doesn't matter. As long as you have one. It makes a world of a difference.

My career sucks. I need to do something about this.

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