Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have decided to recreate 2005/2007. I loved 19/21.

I also love David Bowie and The Rolling Stones all over again.

I have rejoined Postcrossing. Now I need stamps.

I wish Someplace Else wasn't an yuppie filled blechfest now, because if it's 2005, I need to go.

I want to go for a film festival and a live concert.

I want to go to Goa too.

I want to jam again. Did you know I rocked a mike at a karaoke bar recently? Honest to god. I was awesome.

I have a new antivirus one day before the old one expires. Tookul.

I need new jeans.

I am going to start dressing like a sexy plus sized woman. There's no use pretending being normal and dowdy anymore.

I wish I had more gay guy friends. They are generally great to hang with. I like all the ones I have.

I went to Toto's last night with a friend and had some lovely gin and tonic (can I buy a Schweppes factory?) and did some mutual eye flirting with some cute dude. I am not as old as I think I am sometimes.

Today I walked in half an hour late to work and they didn't tell me anything, because we've mutually decided not to give a fuck anymore. Woohoo.

Okay now I am hungry. Need coffee.

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