Friday, November 5, 2010

When P told me about Professor Lal, we both know what popped into our heads. That song. That silly little song we made up. How sadly ironic. Then I remembered this brilliant lecture on Ode to a Nightingale - which somehow stuck. I remember so little of the recent past. So it's nice. He left me with something nice to remember. Anyway, this isn't an eulogy or anything. It's just, I don't know - a mixture of regret and sadness. Rest in peace Professor.

Today it's Diwali here in Bombay, Kali Pujo back home. I lit fourteen diyas at home yesterday and did all the things Ma would have liked me to do. I bought some flowers and made a little alpona of sorts in front of the door. Then there was a terrific storm, but none of the diyas died, which was sort of miraculous. There was no-one at home, so I did all this mostly for myself. Then I smoked a j and watched Lie to Me. At 12.30 they called me in for some edit job, which I was relieved to go to, because I wanted to be alone. I like travelling through the empty streets at night. I quite like watching the night folk - homeless people, construction workers, prostitutes - I don't know why exactly though. I just enjoy the wind in my face, and thinking.

I think I'm slowly but surely morphing into a strange old city bird. Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning and see some booze lying around in the kitchen, I feel like having it with my oat bites. Sometimes I do. Okay, not with the oats, but just. In the evenings I like sitting with a smoke and some Coke Studio or How I Met Your Mother (depending on my mood and internet connectivity) and just being there in the dim lights and quiet space. I don't like talking anymore. I like listening sometimes, but mostly not. I'm a selfish and happy. Or sad. Either way, it's my thing.

Contradictory to whatever I am saying, this has been a long garrulous post. Okbye.

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