Monday, February 7, 2011

Slacker Post Fem

This freelancing shit is tough, as expected. Especially if you're a born slacker bitch like me. Would I sound tremendously immature if I said I want to get married, make babies and gorom gorom rutis for my kids and husband? We'd have a not-so-large home, somewhere quiet, with our own kitchen garden and wine cellar, maybe a, definitely a dog and maybe a cat, but a cat seems more single womanish. I'd work from home if I'd feel like it, but mostly, I'd be taking care of the kids, the dog, the kitchen and the garden. It's not an easy job, but I think I'd be able to deal with it. I know how to fix light bulbs, take care of bills, and do all the "man stuff" as they say. Only, I can't deal with banking. It just depresses me.
In my free time, if I get any, I'll draw or paint or write mommy blogs, and read and watch films. I'd secretly do some of my kids' projects, not because I'm helping, but because I like doing kids' projects. They're lots of fun. Oh, but I cannot, no way in hell, teach math. That, I'm hoping this money making husband of mine is good at. If not, we'll have to stick to Buro Kaku from N8. But dude, you have to be good at math. I think this fellow needs to be good only at a few things in order to be my husband - math, driving, chess, sorting out bank work/taxes and maybe swimming. It would also be good if he reads more than I do, but I'll not judge too harshly if he doesn't.
And before you judge me for not being "feminist" enough, I have a two words for you: Fuck you. Feminism isn't about wearing pants, it's about having choices. If a woman chooses to be a housewife, power to her. I keep thinking of all the times I've heard the phrase "just a housewife". It pisses me off. What's wrong with being a housewife? It's a pretty creative job if you think about it. And it requires plenty of management skills. It doesn't pay, so maybe that's why it's not the smartest of choices, but hey, it's a choice - no more no less than choosing to be a doctor or an engineer or an advertising executive.
So there. I feel sufficiently like a post feminist Suffragette, or something fancy sounding like that.
It seriously sucks being your own boss. The pay sucks more than ever. :P