Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is a blind kind of love

How else would you explain it? When you don't see what other's see so clearly, so evidently. How you'd just freefall into something so obviously dubious (obvious to others, not to you). How you'd just give up your most deeply guarded thoughts and possessions for that single ounce of love in return. My mom was right (moms always are). The only reason why blind love sucks is because, eventually, it hurts. Like fucking much. Not her exact words, of course, but you know what I mean.
In my defence, and perhaps in the defence of others, this is the only way I know how to love or live. I freefall into jobs, major decisions, relationships, crises, comforts - everything. I never think things through. I may give it a semblence of logic when I'm arguing my case, but seriously, who am I kidding? I'm never really thinking. Which is why, blind love is stupid, you lovestruck puppy you. Which is why, when you gain a little vision, you realise (sometimes much too late), that you are up the shit creek without a paddle. Life stinks. So get real. Get yourself checked. And yes, maybe get a little miserable before, so that you don't get miserable after.
So yeah, Tennyson would say a lot of flouncy little words to argue with my mom (en garde!) - "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - et cetera, and well, I agree. You all need a little bit of pain to get real - but 'get real' it eventually does. It'll be stripped of all its poetry and wonder, and be a hot little sore on your ass. Can you deal with it? If you can, go ahead, love and lose. FYI, people with sob stories about ex-es are painfully boring. It's okay a couple of times, but after sometime, it's like, "Meh. Here we go again."
Now, if for some reason, your blind love is luckily a bullseye (don't we all wish that?), then woohoo. You're the one everyone will compare themselves to and follow your lead, and end up really hurt and miserable because they weren't that lucky. But seriously, woohoo. So happy for you.

Sigh. I realise this sounds rather cynical, but really, I'm seeing much too much of it. Take care of your gooshy little hearts amigos, because, mom said so.

Update: (Thanks Nic) -
See these -


OilPastel said...

It is the only kind i know :-/

Udaya said...

Because You said so. And because I wish I'd hear, not just read, about your life dishing you around... as much as mine does me. I don't put it so well, but here, because you said so