Friday, June 11, 2010

I need my Glee fix, I'm going mad. I can't download anything in office anymore, because I keep getting caught. Life sucks without TV shows to go home to. I am aware of how sad that sounds, but it's my happy thing. So shut. Up.

Everyone "chills" in Bombay. So whaddya wanna do? Let's just chill. So what are you doing? Oh nothing, chilling. Stoppit ya. Jusstoppitwhatthefuck. Stop saying that all the fucken time! Let's not chill. Let's NOT.

Speaking of. I've been doing too much of this chilling thing. Eating, drinking, smoking/up. Bah. Humbug. Enough already. I'm bored of chilling. I'm bored of the Bombay culture. Work hard. Party harder. Fuck that. I want to not party hard. I want to read a book. I want to watch a movie. ON MY LAPTOP. I don't want people in my space. Is that so bad?

Good news. It's raining. Sometimes. There is some hope for this city.

My colleague N thinks that I am a lesbian. Others too. What is it? The short hair? The lack of a boyfriend? The amazing women around me all the time? Hmmm. So what about it?
A couple of months ago, I was at the edit studio and I met this woman. I was sitting on the steps of the cafeteria, smoking, when I noticed her. I couldn't stop looking, not because she was unduly attractive, but because she looked EXACTLY like me, maybe 15 years later.
She had short, not so nice hair, a pretty unshapely body, big glasses, and was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans (me too that day). She was carrying a jhola and had a nose pin. Hmm. She sees me smoking and asks, so you can smoke here? And I'm like, duh, obviously. Ok I didn't say that. But I just nodded my head.
So she sits by me, lights up and we're both smoking in silence, when I don't know why, I become morbidly curious about her. I do what I never do. I extend my hand and say, hi, I'm engee. And she jumps at the opportunity to befriend me (maybe she was thinking the same?). So we get talking, and she has this semi-breakdown where she rants about men, smoking and general mid-life crisis shit. And I'm like fuck, is it me? Why is she telling me all this? So after a while of listening to her, I decide to go back to work - but I can sense she wants this to continue. I shake hands again (!!) and walk off like a cowboy into the sunset. Like this total stud.
I think I have brilliant lesbian potential. I can be such a cocky chyut of a man.


Anonymous said...

You are a liberated lesbian.

- N

Engee said...

You think so? I'm liberated, but not entirely lesbian, you know? I can't quite fake it. ;)

fisherwoman said...

hah! this is delicious. m relishing, reading it